This isn’t the final location for this little shadow box but I’m too impatient to wait to share it. These items—Luden’s cough drop box, wooden spool, and pink squeaky cat toy—were found in the old heat register during our duplex renovation in 2013 (along with a lot of other balls and cat toys). I’ve roughly dated them to the ’70s based on Google searches and information from Instagram followers. For years I’ve been planning on making a shadow box to display them in the entryway of the duplex. Last night, I received some shadow boxes from my Buy Nothing group and decided to finally assemble it! The mouse is a bit squished beneath the glass but overall I’m really pleased with how it came out! Next I’ll be making a card to display next to it explaining the items, their dates, and when/where they were found, just like a museum because I’m a huge nerd. 🤓