While so much of this little old house is being rebuilt with new materials to meet modern framing standards, I’m trying my hardest to salvage as many materials and fixtures second-hand as I can; to make our home feel as old as its original build year (1903), but also to keep items out of the landfill and contribute just a little less towards the vicious cycle of consumerism. There is SO much in the world that already exists. Before jumping to an online store that sells only new items, check out Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, OfferUp, eBay, Buy Nothing, estate sales, or your local salvage yards. Here in Seattle we have at least three (@secondusebuildingmaterials, @ballard_reuse, and @earthwisesalvage) that I regularly frequent.
Out of our 2.5 bathrooms, only one medicine cabinet, our tub faucet/surround, shower system, and tile will be bought new. Everything else is salvage or being reused from our home. I fully recognize we contributed a lot to the landfill by gutting the house (we recycled as much of our construction debris as possible but not everything is recyclable); but I’m hoping to make up for some of that by attempting to buy second-hand first.